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Jun 23, 2013
So I was thinking, a lot of kids (including my brother and I ) can't really afford to buy membership or crowns. So I thought about how this problem could be solved (ignoring the obvious solutions of a totally free to play game and lowering the prices of membership and pay by area ). So here's what I've got. What if, once a year Kings Isle did this promotion where for one week, seven days, the game is completely free! Everyone has full access to every area! And what if this week was in, say, July? That way everyone has plenty of time to enjoy said promotion. Of coarse this benefits the players, but how does it benefit Kings Isle Well lets see, after the week is over we get locked out of all those areas again (with the obvious exception of ones we've paid for before the promotion). Well then we can't go back and play our favorite dungeons or get our other pirates further in the story line. And now we're stuck almost at the end of (whats currently available of) the story line. So now we want the cards even more badly than before, which in turn would up the sales of them, right? Plus there would be tons of new players on the game, cause everyone's going to want to try the game while it's all access. Yes of course this leaves the opportunity to wait until the next promotion to advance further, but whose to say you couldn't find a way to prevent an overload of this? Like keeping one or two worlds out of the promotion? You could even alternate them each year for extra effectiveness. Or you could open certain worlds on each day of the of promotion.

Well, just brainstorming; let me know what you think!

Merciless Nicole Underwood Level 16 Swashbuckler
Sneaky Nicole Underwood Level 10 Witchdoctor
Wicked Rebecca Gerald Level 4 Buccaneer
Eccentric Shawna Templeton Level 3 Musketeer
Ruthless Alexandria Stuart Level 3 Privateer