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Multiplier feature in mini-games

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Hi, P101 team! I've got one little suggestion for mini-games.

From what I've played in Pirate101's mini-games, none of them have a multiplier feature that increases scoring from doing well by 2 times the amount of points given, 3 times the amount, and so on.

I think there should be a multiplier feature added in mini-games, both current and upcoming, if any on the way, that is, that happens only when players maintain a steady pace without making even one mistake that gives them an increase in scoring big points until they make one mistake that resets the multiplier and they have to start the multiplier all over again by scoring well without making another mistake. It may help those who have been struggling to make it to the next level in these mini-games, for on some mini-games, it is very lengthy to reach to the next level and maintain higher scores before they falter from trying so hard and they get a "Game Over" from losing.

Think of this small suggestion. Anyone else agree to this?

Thanks for listening!

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Ok, it's more of a game mechanic than a feature, I admit, still, at least implementing a multiplier mechanic in minigames may help plenty of Pirates who are trying to reach higher scores & clear levels quite quicker.